The Dangers of Reglazing a Bathtub

Since 2000, more than 14 bathroom professionals have died while performing various reglazing procedures. Reglazing seems like a very dangerous procedure, we agree. However, this may not be the case if one follows all the adequate safety best practices in the industry. If you would like to try this inexpensive tub restoration service, here is everything you need to know about the dangers.

What Is Methylene Chloride?

Reglazing can be performed on a wide variety of fixtures in your bathroom (tubs, toilets, urinals, sinks, etc.) and on wall tiles as well. This cheap remodeling for your tub uses some bonding agents, primers and finishing substances. In some cases, stripping products are used during the resurfacing process. Many of these substances contain a compound known as methylene chloride. The fumes that emanate from the tub during the reglazing procedure are dangerous. Methylene chloride can cause serious health problems and can even stop breathing in large enough concentrations.

The Importance of Ventilation

We understand you want to do a tub repair for rust stains and damage. However, don’t do it yourself! It is dangerous because even DIY reglazing kits contain substances with methylene chloride. If you do want to go ahead and do the refinishing procedure yourself, keep in mind that ventilation is extremely important. Under no circumstances should methylene chloride be allowed to accumulate in the small space that is your bathroom. If you have a feeling of intoxication or if you start feeling dizzy or fatigued, leave the bathroom at once!

How to Avoid the Danger

To keep yourself and your family safe, find a specialist who has experience doing tub reglazing in Westchester NY. He will come fully equipped to work in complete safety. Some of the things the worker can do to minimize the risks of the refinishing procedure is installing a local exhaust ventilation system, minimizing the spraying of substances, using good spill and leak control, using long-handled tools, and even leaving the bathroom after applying the substance that contains methylene chloride.
Bottom line, even though reglazing is a cost effective bathtub remodeling option, it should be done by a professional who has both experience and the necessary safety equipment. You should avoid using do-it-yourself kits because they can be just as dangerous as professional kits. Even if the levels of methylene chloride are low, this substance still poses a cancer threat to humans.

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