Who Is Bathroom Resurfacing Ideal For?

As you look around at your options for a bathroom remodel, you will probably come across bathroom resurfacing at some point in time. You may be wondering if it is an ideal choice for you. Like many others, you are probably looking to save time and money on the remodel itself and bathroom resurfacing is a great way to do that. But who is resurfacing ideal for? Let’s take a look. 

House Flippers

If you are someone who flips houses to rent or resell, then reglazing the bathroom surfaces is an excellent option for you as it is economical and will fit right into your budget. As a house flipper, you do not want to sink more money than needed into repairs for the home, so this is a great option that does not require a fully remodeled bathroom and it will look great. 

People on the Road a Lot 

If you are someone who is on the road a lot for work or you are frequently moving for work, then resurfacing your bathroom is a better option than a complete remodel. Resurfacing is easy, fast, and predictable, which makes the whole process less stressful. More importantly, if you do move a lot and you do resurface your bathroom, your home will hold more value. 

New to Remodeling 

Remodeling is a process and sometimes a long one depending on the project timeline. If you are new to remodeling, you do not necessarily want to start with a full-blown-out project right away, so reglazing is a good option to introduce you to a remodel. 

Many times, reglazing is partnered with smaller remodels or partial remodels to provide you with the look and feel of a new tub and to simply update the bathroom space. If you are not particularly familiar with renovations, this process will allow you to get an idea of what you can expect later on if you do decide to do a full remodel. 

People Without Time 

If you are short on time, reglazing is the way to go. From start to finish, the resurfacing process only takes a few hours and then 24 to 48 hours to dry. This is incredibly faster than having your tub replaced and new tiles laid. Reglazing is a good option for someone who only has one bathroom too. 

Learn More About Tub Reglazing Service in NYC 

If you are interested in tub reglazing service in NYC, we want to talk to you. Resurfacing your tub is a fast, affordable, and easy process that is ideal for most customers. At White Glove Reglazing, we will discuss the process with you and go over the costs associated with it too. Give us a call today. 

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