Common Bathtub Reglazing Problems

We recently heard a story we found very interesting. It was related to refinishing, so it immediately piqued our interest. The story goes like this:
“I was looking for tub refinishing near me when I found some very worrying information about this procedure. Too many people are complaining that their tubs smell funny after the refinishing. Also, it looks like this treatment doesn’t last for more than a year or two. I no longer want to order the reglazing service and I suggest you avoid it as well.”
Yes, there can be problems with the inexpensive tub restoration service known as resurfacing (or reglazing, or refinishing). However, the problems are not due to the process itself, but due to the people who do the work.

Why Do Reglazing Problems Appear?

You’ve probably heard about reglazing, the cheap remodeling for your tub. Like the person above, you may have seen negative opinions about it. But the truth is that over 90% of the people who pay for a resurfacing service are satisfied with the results. The other 10% have probably hired the wrong person or have done the refinishing job themselves. One needs extensive experience and a very specific set of tools to do the job right. Only a trained, certified and insured professional should attempt to do a refinishing job.

The Most Common Problems

Here are the most common problems with resurfacing (any fixture, including sinks, toilets, urinals, tubs, and sinks):
• Insufficient coating thickness – this is the fault of the person who did the refinishing.
• Brittleness of the coating – the worker did not mix the substances correctly or in the required quantities.
• The substrate is visible – again, the worker did not apply several layers of coating, as required.
• Cracking – the mix was poorly formed and was not allowed to dry properly.
• Increased dry time or improper curing – the substances and materials used were the cheapest on the market.
As you can see, there is a simple answer to all of the most common resurfacing problems. The best way to avoid such problems is to hire a professional who has years of experience completing refinishing jobs successfully. Simple!

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