DIY or Professional: Regrouting Tiles in the Bathroom

An area of your home that you probably think the least about is the grout between your bathroom tiles. Most people assume it will last a lifetime. Unfortunately, it does not last a lifetime but lasts a long time. As your grout starts to approach its old age, it will show signs such as pulling away from the tiles or even staining. 

The grout in your bathroom is important because it holds the tiles in place, and keeps water from getting behind them. This is why your shower and tub are lined with tiles. If water makes it past the grout, water damage will occur which can lead to mold issues in the bathroom along with both ants and even termites. 

Unless you are having a complete bathroom remodel performed, you will need to check on your grout and regrout the tiles in your bathroom now and again. One of the questions we generally field is whether regrouting bathroom tiles can be done as a DIY project or if it should be left to the professionals – let’s take a look. 

Keep Tile Regrouting a Professional Job 

Regrouting your tiles can be complicated and it can be a tedious process. In addition, if the grout is not done right, it can lead to serious issues such as water damage. It is best to leave this job to the professionals and for good reason too. Check out the reasons why it is a job for the pros: 

  1. The process takes time. 

When regrouting your tiles, you cannot simply take new grout and place it over the old grout. You will need to make sure you remove ALL the old grout first and this can take time to do. You must make sure that the grout is carved out from every single tile. 

Professionals are able to utilize tools and techniques to get this job done quickly. It can be extremely time-consuming for homeowners to do on their own and you may miss a spot or two. 

  1. It will save you money. 

Regrouting your own tiles seems like the cost-effective choice, but you will need supplies and tools to get the job done. For example, you will need a special power tool to remove the grout from the tiles. While you could use a putty knife to get it out, this would only increase the amount of time it takes to get the grout removed. 

The tools associated with the job can be quite costly, especially for one or two-time use. Professionals have these tools available to them and can use them without you having to purchase the tools yourself. 

  1. It prevents damage and poor-quality products from being used. 

If you do use the power tool to remove the grout from your tiles, a misstep can damage the tile or wall behind the tile. In addition, you may not remove all the grout, which will lead to issues later on down the road with the new grout. Professionals know exactly how much pressure to use when applying the tool and will avoid further damage to your bathroom tiles. 

Lastly, professionals know which products are best to use. While you may think you scored a good deal on the things you need, you may have opted for a poor-quality product, which can result in water damage from a failed product. 

Choose the Right Professional for Your Bathroom Tile Regrouting Job 

When you want to update your bathroom, you can reglaze your bathtub, shower, fixtures, and even tiles. The process will take your outdated bathroom from old to new once again. Our Brooklyn bathtub reglazing service and tile refinishing are just what you need to modernize your bathroom space. In addition, the experts at White Glove Reglazing can regrout your bathroom tiles for you to ensure longevity. Call us today to schedule an appointment. 

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