Things You Need to Know Before Resurfacing Your Bathtub

If you are interested in resurfacing your bathtub, you need to know a few things. These questions may already be on your mind, so read to the end to get the most reliable answers from the best Bronx tub refinishing company. And remember, refinishing is an inexpensive tub restoration service that can be applied to other items in your bathroom as well. For instance, resurfacing can be applied to urinals, toilets, sinks, and even wall tiles.

Is Resurfacing the Same as Reglazing?

If you are looking to do a tub repair for rust stains and damage, you’ve probably came across these two terms: reglazing and resurfacing. Are they the same thing? Yes, they are. Resurfacing and reglazing refer to the process of redoing the coating on the tub. After the refinishing, the surface will look like enamel once again.

Does Your Tub Support Reglazing?

This is a good question to ask when you’re looking for cheap remodeling for your tub. The answer is a resounding “Yes!” Acrylic, cast iron, plastic, and even steel bathtubs all behave very well during resurfacing. You don’t have to worry about a thing. No matter what material your bathtub is made out of, there is a solution.

Should You Do the Resurfacing Yourself?

Even though a resurfacing of surfaces sounds like an easy thing to do, don’t do it yourself! The bonding agents, primers and finishing substances all contain various chemicals. The fumes that emanate from the tub during the refinishing process are dangerous. You should never risk your health, or the health of your loved ones, just to save a couple of bucks. A reglazing typically costs $350 to $500. It’s not worth the risk to try to do it yourself, trust us!

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